
What's In My Bag

I can't figure out what it is that's so appealing about other people's bags, but everyone has one of these "What's In My Bag" posts, so here's a look into mine.

Wallet- filled with random junk and coins.
Digital camera- I used this a lot more before I got my own photographer ;) but I still use it all the time.
Kenneth Cole wristlet- small enough for a coin purse, cute enough to carry when you don't feel like lugging around a big bag.
Random lip sticks- moisturized lip color, need I say more?
Crackberry- this technically isn't a part of my bag, since it's in my hand 24/7.
Pen & notepad- I perfer writing down my thoughts and to-do lists.
Ray Ban sunnies- that reminds me, I really need to find their case soon.
Raspberry lemonade flavoring- I like water, but it gets boring. Quick fix.
Lavendar perfume stick- just incase.
iPod- this was semi-permanently borrowed from my mother.
(Not pictured- bobbi pins, gum wrappers, fifty bazillion receipts)

TGIF. Hope you're having a superb weekend.


  1. Looking into other people's bags is interesting for some reason lol I also like to see how people set up their rooms. Im liking your blog =)

    LT @ elle-tea.blogspot.com

  2. so organized and minimal. i like it!! and i always have to have my blackberry with me as well! :)



  3. Love your sunnies chica! I have yet to find aviators to fit my face perfectly!


  4. you have very beautiful photos here!
    beautiful blog!


  5. I also sometimes think that others' bags are more appealing than mine. :)
    Your stuff is cool!
